<% pageVal = "1" subVal = "6" thVal = "3" fhVal = "" %> <% Dim strBbsId strBbsId = "B0001" ' SET Code Class Dim action Set action = New BbsAction Dim arrayPage Dim arrayList Dim intTotalCount, intTotalPage Dim intI Dim intCurrPage Dim intPageSize, intBlockSize Dim strSubQuery intPageSize = 10 intBlockSize = 10 intCurrPage = Request("page") If IsNull(intCurrPage) Or intCurrPage="" Then intCurrPage = 1 arrayPage = action.getTotalCount_BBS(intPageSize, strBbsId) arrayList = action.getList_BBS(intPageSize, intCurrPage, strBbsId) intTotalCount = arrayPage(0) intTotalPage = arrayPage(1) %> MINITAB
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상세 메뉴

Case Study

Minitab의 고객들은 전 세계적으로 가장 우수한 기업들 입니다. Minitab 고객들의 성공적이고 혁신적인 성공사례를 확인하십시오.

    <% Dim arrayFileList, intJ Dim intRowNum, strNum intRowNum = 0 intRowNum = intTotalCount-(intPageSize*(intCurrPage-1)) If Not IsNull(arrayList) Then Dim allListCount, strReply allListCount = UBound(arrayList, 2) 'DB : SEQ, BBS_ID, SUBJECT, WRITER, EMAIL, ' COMMENT, CONTENT, REF, STEP, DEPTH , ' APPLIE_TO, HITS, REG_DATE For intI = 0 To allListCount arrayFileList = action.getFileList_BBS(arrayList(0, intI)) dataDesc = arrayList(5, intI) %>
  • <%=arrayList(2, intI)%>

    <% If Not IsNull(arrayFileList) Then response.write "첨부파일 :" Dim allFileListCount allFileListCount = UBound(arrayFileList, 2) For intJ = 0 To allFileListCount %> <%=arrayFileList(3, intJ)%> <% Next Else response.write " " End IF %>


  • <% intRowNum = intRowNum -1 Next Else Response.Write "
  • 등록된 게시물이 없습니다.
  • " End If %>
<%If allListCount>0 then%>
<%=CF_SeparatePage2(intCurrPage,"page",intBlockSize,intTotalPage,strSubQuery,"../images") %>
<%End if%>
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